Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Zac is the sort of teenager that I might imagine would grow up to be a 'ladies man', or perhaps another Beiber as a teenager. He has the looks, and the traits. He's flirty, charismatic and rebellious! These photos were taken of him at night time, just outside his home. Yet again, no special effect, lighting, mods or anything of the sort were used for this shot- it's all natural! I love his eyes... Enjoy!

   /    \    TheSims3Simmer
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These are just some photos I took of Chloe outside one night. It is rather dark, and I haven't used any special effects or lighting or mods or anything for these photos, but I rather like them! She is a mean, evil, but beautiful teenager in my game. I hope I captured those traits in these photos! Enjoy!

   /    \    TheSims3Simmer
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These photos are just a few shots I took of the rebel guy with a mohawk and earring, called Callum. I didn't get his mohawk in these next few pictures, but I think I captured a sort of look about him? Have a look and see- I love the way he seems to look at you over the top of his sunnies in one of the photos. These photos were just taken inside a normal household, no special effects or lighting, mods or anything were used in creating these photos. Enjoy!

   /    \    TheSims3Simmer
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These photos are of my teenager, Anna. These were taken in the 'studio'. I will explain in a later post how to create and use a 'studio' for photography. It was my first shot at using a 'studio', and I think the photos came up okay, although I will post more improved photos at another time using the same technique. I used a mixture of blue, orange and purple lighting combined when taking the following two photographs to give it an interesting look. Enjoy!

The following two photos of Anna were taken of her looking into a large mirror in the 'studio', with Flame coloured lighting.

   /    \    TheSims3Simmer
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Police Man

So my teenager, Anne, was out after curfew one night, and the police officer caught her. Then he drove her home and she was given a scolding by her mother. As she was approaching the police man, though, I captured these shots of him standing in front of his police car with the lights flashing behind him. These were taken with no mods, effects, special lighting or anything- just simply how they were.

   /    \    TheSims3Simmer
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Welcome to The Sims 3 Photography Blog, Simmers! I am aiming to create this blog to display tips, tricks, cheats, videos, and, of course, photography! I am only a beginner Simmer, but I love it already! This blog is basically a place for me to ramble about the Sims 3 PC game, share anything I have created, or other things others have created, and display any photos that I may take. I will also attempt to assist in any questions, although there is no guarantee that the question will be answered correctly!

I have also had some ideas for this blog to make it more interactive, including possibly photography, video, story and building competitions.

I hope Simmers, experienced players and beginners, will enjoy this blog, and will like reading and browsing through mine, and others, Simming experiences!

Goodluck Simmers!

   /    \    TheSims3Simmer
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